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8 Reasons Why Android Is Better Than iOS

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Here are the eight reasons why Android is better than iOS.

1) Widgets (Android and Ios):

This is the most distinguishing feature that is immediately noticed by everyone. Android supports widgets on the home screens. Widgets may be anything; it may be news and weather updates, to-do lists, etc. These tiny little snippets are extremely useful in bringing information right to you without having to go into a particular app.

2) Google Now:

Google Now is better than Siri in many ways. For starters, it shows you relevant information depending on where you are without your asking for it. It acts as an universal notification center for everything. And plus, it has much better voice recognition for non-native English speakers. It may not be as personal or as comical as Siri, but it’s leaps and bounds better than Siri in terms of utility.

3) A more open App Store:

Google’s Play Store is much more open to the kinds of apps that it accepts than Apple’s App Store. There is a huge list of apps available on the Play Store that Apple definitely wouldn’t accept, including third-party VoIP apps, Wi-Fi tethering apps, etc. What’s more is that on Android, you can also download apps from third-party app stores. An example is the Amazon App Store, which provides one paid app free per day!

4) Better notifications:

Although iOS has made some improvements in its notifications in iOS 6, Android still holds the crown for having the best notification center. You need only a quick glance to know what kinds of notifications that you have received. Also, on many Android devices, you can access a lot of settings right from the notification center. This is really good if you are changing settings all the time such as turning Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on and off.

5) Easier file transfer:

iOS restricts all file transfers within iTunes. If you need to do any file transfer at all, you can’t do it without opening iTunes and ‘syncing’ your device. For Windows and Linux users, this is especially a hassle as iTunes runs slow on both these platforms. On Android, however, all you need to do is connect your device and transfer files just like you would to any flash drive. It’s that simple.

6) Better keyboard:

Android’s keyboard and in-line spell checker performs much more efficiently than the keyboard on iOS. Spell checking is generally far more efficient and quick. Android also supports the swipe-typing feature: to type a word you just need to swipe your finger over the letters and the keyboard guesses what word you intended to type, which is correct 95% of the time. You can also choose from a huge array of third-party keyboards if it suits your fancy.

7) Better multitasking:

iOS places restrictions on apps running in the background. Most of the time they are restricted and cannot communicate with each other. However Android supports true multitasking.

8) Third-party launchers:

This is a major distinguishing feature. Although iOS allows you to only use the default home screen style, Android allows you to install a third-party launcher from the Play Store, i.e., a custom home screen designed by a third-party developer. This goes to show how flexible the Android platform is compared to the super-restricted nature of iOS.