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Start Your Own Mobile App Business

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Mobile applications, also known as apps, are increasingly popular with smartphone users. There are hundreds of thousands of apps already available, including games, business applications and tools for productivity, security and organization. Almost anyone can design and develop an application, with little or no experience required. With the ever-increasing popularity of mobile apps, making and selling your own applications could be a rewarding business venture.

build apps

How do I build a mobile app?

You have two options when building a mobile application. You can either do it yourself, or pay a developer to build the app for you. If you want to build the app yourself, or lack the funds to pay for a professional developer, there are several mobile applications available offering development code tutorials. If you prefer to pay a developer to build the application for you, you can submit your app idea directly to the developer. The cost of hiring a freelance developer will vary, depending on the type of app you want, but you should be able to negotiate reasonable rates if you shop around for the right developer. Some developers will also build the app free of charge, in return for a share of the profits or advertising revenue.

What kind of apps should I build?

There are several factors to consider when deciding what kind of apps to build. Financial restrictions may form part of your decision. Simple applications may be relatively inexpensive to build, while more complex designs may require financial investment. You should also consider how long you want your app to stay relevant. A topical application, such as one designed for a specific sporting event or movie release, may only be relevant for a few weeks. However, organization tools, for example, may be intended for use over a longer period of time. If your apps are intended for long term use, you will need to consider the added work and cost of periodically updating the app to keep it compatible with new software. It is also essential to research the market and your target audience thoroughly before making a final decision.

How much money can I make?

How much money you make will depend on a number of factors, including the success of your marketing efforts and how you choose to monetize your applications. If you decide to charge a fee for your apps, you will need to pay a percentage, usually around thirty percent, to the platform provider (e.g. Android, Symbian, Windows Mobile and so on).

If you want to offer your apps free of charge, you can make money from advertising revenue.

However you choose to monetize your apps, making money will take time and effort. Typically, you will need to accumulate at least 10,000 downloads before you start to see any financial benefits.